Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Drama Mama Moment

I'm at work today for the first time in a week (it's tough to be at work when you have diarrhea like whoa, okay), and I'm actually feeling pretty down.  I thought getting back to my routine would help me feel better... but not so.

So maybe I'm PMSing or something.  I don't know.  I'm just moody and generally "meh" right now.

It's hard to vocalize how it feels to be in my shoes right now.  I feel singled out and picked on, even though my gluten intolerance isn't anyone's fault.  I feel very alone... and THEN I feel disgusted with myself for being so pathetic!  Gluten intolerance isn't the end of the world.  It's not like I'm going to starve to death, be burned at a stake, or ridiculed for my condition.  No one even has to know if I don't want them to.  Here I go, being a drama mama again.

I'm still trying to keep up with the optimism thing.  Granted, I know that I won't ever feel excited about this, but at least sticking to a healthy diet just got a lot easier for me!  In that sense, I do consider myself lucky, because my willpower is mediocre.  Like the wimpy kid in gym class.

Moving on!  I'm going to work out tonight, drink so much water that I float away, and eat angelically.  Time to pick myself up, dust myself off, and stop moping around.  So long, cottage cheese thighs!  Adiós, bye-bye arms!  Never again, chunky middle!  This fat isn't going to evict itself.

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