Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Healthy You Update #3

Man, I hate it when I wake up in the morning and don't feel like P. Diddy!  I haven't been waking up feeling good at all.  Actually, it's generally been an "off" week.

Let's see.  I gained weight (and not just a fraction of a pound -- a whole pound!)  I sucked at drinking water, we didn't set up the weight machine, and I'm way off from my weigh-in goal.  I did take our new puppy, Piper, for lots of walks -- but she's so excited about smelling! peeing! pooping! sniffing! barking! chasing the bugs! peeing some more! that the walks weren't exactly great exercise.

I hate having celiac disease, and I hate that I allowed myself to binge on gluten so badly last week.  I am really, really sick again today (and was yesterday, too).  Why did I do this to myself?  Stomach cramping, aching muscles, headaches, psoriasis flare-ups, and dehydration don't particularly make me feel like working out -- or even being healthy for that matter.  Right now, I want to curl up under my desk and cry.

I'm not setting any particular goals for myself this week.  I just want to get this train back on the tracks and get myself feeling better.


I hope everyone else had a good week!  I say, let's make this one good!

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