Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The First Step

Since I'm getting into the habit of admitting everything, let me also confess that I am an avid gamer. The Xbox 360 is my console of choice; however, I did give in and pick up a Wii so that I could get in workouts with EA Active. Last night was my first workout in -- a really long time -- and it felt amazing!

I love working up a good sweat, and I was dripping by the time I was done. My intention had been to start with a few Low Intensity workouts to start re-building my (long gone) stamina, but on a whim, I decided to really push myself and went with a Medium Intensity routine instead.

I burned 136.4 calories in 20 minutes (not counting the half-hour or so that I spent rolling around the floor in agony, gasping "Oh, God!" and whining that I couldn't do it). Okay, so the point is, I did it!

My asthma was especially bad last night, which I can blame partly on the humidity and partly on my exercise absenteeism these past few months. I do have an emergency inhaler, but it makes me quite shaky and light-headed, which is not a good workout condition. (Note to self: Discuss other asthma management options with doctor). Once those details are ironed out, and once I build up some stamina again, exercise should become more enjoyable.

So yesterday was successful! I hit my calorie target, drank nine 8-ounce glasses of water, stretched, worked out, and slept like a rock. My muscles are sore and protesting today, but the ache reminds me of the positive changes I am making in my life.

Rinse, repeat.

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